Monday 15 May 2017

How to trace receive email location.

Hello guys,today i am going to tell you how we trace receive email location then let's go we should to start now.
First guys you need a header form(original message) of email which email you wish to trace.
then guys our first step for us.How we find header form of email.
A different different procedure use for different different mail account.if you are using a gmail,yahoo,outlook,hotmail. then don't worry all procedure is following.

Step 1:

First i will show you for Gmail account.

Header form procedure for Gmail.

First open email which email location you wish to trace.
click on above icon like following image
Click on "show original" option.
Now guys you get header form of your receive mail.

Click on "copy to clipboard".
A gmail procedure done next one is for yahoo.

Header form procedure for yahoo.

Open your yahoo account.
Open mail which receive mail you wish to trace.
Click on more button is available is above of mail(Shown in image)

And select "View raw message " option.
Automatically New tab open in your browser copy everything on this tab.
A header process complete for yahoo.
Next one is hotmail,outlook.

Header form procedure for Hotmail,outlook.

Open you hotmail/outlook account.
Open receive email which receive email you wish to trace.
Click on above icon like as following image.

Select option "view message source" then done.
Copy all text.
 A Here Header process is completed.

Step 2:

Now next one is Open is open below link skip ad.

After open the website scroll down the page.
You get one paste box remember you have been copied header from please paste here.

Click on get source.
Now scroll down page.
At the end of page you get location of receive account.
Process is done.
Thank you guys  for read this. if you have any question then write your question into comment box.

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