Wednesday 12 July 2017

Facebook help you find nearest public wifi

A daily we use many social media site. such as facebook,instagram ,whats app and twitter etc. but if any social media site help you to finding nearest public wifi then it's a good opportunity to learning anything using public wifi.

Then now guys facebook was launched it's new feature that help you to find a nearest wifi in you area.

This feature is being rolled out globally for android and iphone apps.
You can't do many more  activate this service only you need to share your location in facebook.
This features is launched trial basis in few countries last year. facebook said it was found "especially useful in area where cellular data is source".

How you activate this feature.

To use the feature,head to the facebook app and click on the "more" tab.
Scroll down to "find wifi"you will have to keep location history enabled; Facebook will use it to add to your activity log even when you aren't using the app.

when you are using a public wifi then you must be take security then   always on your windows firewall they give you protection. 

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